African Politicians And Their Need To Cling To Power

What is it that makes African leaders and particularly Nigerian leaders in this context refuse to relinquish power even when its obvious they are medically incapable of running a country, or state or any position of influence, effectively? Today I saw an article from HuffPost online(see below), the American news agency citing an article that Senator McCain, once a former presidential aspirant has been diagnosed with Brain Cancer.

     His illness has been in the news for a while although no one knee the cause, but nothing was hidden. 

    The President of Nigeria, whom I’m ashamed to say is my president lies in the UK on his sick bed or rather sick couch as the pictures being released show. He has been there for months on medical leave receiving treatment that he could have gotten in his home country if his predicament is not as bad as his cohorts say. He is consuming tax payers money to foot his bills and pay for the presidential jet parking. Even with all this, no one in his government can tell us his citizens what he is actually being treated for. To me, this is an outrage. I don’t care whether the constitution covers his actions he and his cohorts should be investigated and impeached, at the least. His party and his government won on the premise of ‘Change’. That is his party slogan and he won largely on his reputation as a former military dictator that abhorred corruption and imbibed discipline even to the criticism of his peers and the international community based on the extents to which he carried his propaganda.

    Why is it so hard for these men to stick to their words? And why do the people allow them to get away with it?